Double Invert Roller 16 Banded Vesion

  • The B Daniel Double Invert Roller 16 banded vesion consists of a 8 paired (16 individual bands 4×20.5mm & 12x16mm) banded speargun that has unmatched power, accuracy and 0 recoil.
  • As a matter of fact it is regarded as the most powerful invert roller speargun globaly. This is a large game (Tuna, Marlin Etc) speargun.
  • This speargun is offered in various sizes starting from 110cm up to 130cm (the measurement refers to the loading length of the speargun)
  • The muzzle pulleys are custom made by using very high quality composite materials that are resistant to wear
  • The band pulleys are of the highest quality . Their breaking strength is over 400 kg each.
  • All the cords used for the movement of the spear are pure Dyneema.
  • The B Daniel Double Invert Roller has a diamond shaped body that consists of 8 laminates of rot-free Iroko seasoned hardwood.
  • All the functional parts are of the highest quality . The parts include the trigger mechanism, trigger guard, bands, line guides, etc.
  • The spear is modified in order to achieve smooth penetrating tips and good accuracy, The spear provided are 8.5mm to 9mm depending on speargun length, usage and category.
  • The speargun can have a natural wood finish or a cammo finish with a high quality protective coating. The natural wood finish is epoxy coated.
  • The speargun comes complete, bands, spear (No reel included as it is suggested to be used with a break-away system). The owner can make additional ballast mods by adding or removing weight in the two compartments provided under the speargun. Ballasting is made by the client depending on the sea or ocean they dive in. (The salt content in some seas are higher than others thus resulting the need for more weight for the speargun neutral ballasting)
  • No recoil.
  • Shooting distance up to 9m with extreme strength, penetration and accuracy. (Always from tip of the spear) .

Before spearfishing, it is important to ballast the speargun according to the water you intend diving in.
Due to different water characteristics such as the salt content or freshwater spearfishing, ballasting of the speargun is made by the client.
Freshwater spearfishing needs less weight and saltier water needs more weight.
The process is honestly easy. Simply unscrew the one screw from the two weight caps and loosen the other one thus enabling the cap to turn and reveal the weight openingsā€¦ simply remove or add weight to ballast the speargun to be light in hand.
It is important to have the speargun slightly front heavy for accuracy purposes and to eliminate movement of the speargun when aiming in waters with slightly stronger currents.
The speargun comes with extra weights in its compartment and with a spare weight.

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